Η Φωτό Μου

I am kind of a social butterfly. I enjoy romance and candlelight anythings. When alone, I like to build cabins out of blankets, pillows, couch cushions, and anything else deemed appropriate for the particular desired architecture. I often dream of running and hiding from the police or organized criminals out to get me. I rather enjoy these dreams, so I'm not sure what all that means. . . if anything. I hated to be the seeker when at play, and always felt secure in my speed and ability to get away if found. Sometimes I'd hide in obvious spots, positioned with the best escape routes. Options of returning to base were always preferred. But I digress.

Σάββατο, Οκτωβρίου 23, 2004

Real Friends: A Comparison of Friendship Drafted for Me By My Real Friend Devon

A simple friend tries to get you out of physical altercation.
A real friend starts fights for you so you don't have to waste your breath.

A simple friend takes your property into consideration while partying in your residence.
A real friend breaks something every time he drinks.

A simple friend takes your picture for memories.
A real friend takes many picture and turns them into a hysterical Microsoft Powerpoint(R) slideshow.

A simple friend accompanies you to the gym for a workout.
A real friend has sparring sessions at 6 am. before work.

A simple friend taps you on the shoulder and watched in awe when he sees a fight break out.
A real friend screams at the participants of the fight, calling them "pussypants" or "retarded babies in the crib."

A simple friend will let you in throught the back door when the front door is locked.
A real friend will pry open the window and smash in the screen to let you in.

-I have shared many good memories with my friend. Thanks for the memories, Devon.