Η Φωτό Μου

I am kind of a social butterfly. I enjoy romance and candlelight anythings. When alone, I like to build cabins out of blankets, pillows, couch cushions, and anything else deemed appropriate for the particular desired architecture. I often dream of running and hiding from the police or organized criminals out to get me. I rather enjoy these dreams, so I'm not sure what all that means. . . if anything. I hated to be the seeker when at play, and always felt secure in my speed and ability to get away if found. Sometimes I'd hide in obvious spots, positioned with the best escape routes. Options of returning to base were always preferred. But I digress.

Σάββατο, Αυγούστου 06, 2005

A Triumphant Return!!!

I have always known that close encounters with death make one more appreciative in life, so when I say I have been to a far worse place than death, I can only cry out how glad I am to be alive!

I would like to invite the general public to, once again, feel free and ask questions about life for if I can't tell you the answers then you have a bogus question. And for you pea-brains out there, you may read up on my suggestions and follow upon our discussions, but please don't write anything!

HInts & Tips:
Whispered, "If you think you may be a pea-brain you probably are."

I have special thanks to those in the OSSFC or the "Online Shawn Snyder Friend Circle"
Reading through your journals has enthralled me to save you further embarrassment and give you all some good advice :)
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Blogger chad was marco said...

this might be a bogus question but, who in the world are you?

6 Αυγούστου 2005 στις 1:31 μ.μ.  
Blogger Wolfman said...

Indeed Duncan, Indeed.

Solarlumberjackshera, do me a favor and stare at the sun for three days straight, then come see me.

Chief Wolman

7 Αυγούστου 2005 στις 11:06 π.μ.  
Blogger ClickNathan said...

Dear Chief of Wolves and (presumably) man,

At what point should one realize that the parade has, in fact, been rained on, and no amount of singing in the liquid will stop that?

14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2005 στις 7:37 π.μ.  

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