Wolfman: A Discussion on the 21st Century

Η Φωτό Μου

I am kind of a social butterfly. I enjoy romance and candlelight anythings. When alone, I like to build cabins out of blankets, pillows, couch cushions, and anything else deemed appropriate for the particular desired architecture. I often dream of running and hiding from the police or organized criminals out to get me. I rather enjoy these dreams, so I'm not sure what all that means. . . if anything. I hated to be the seeker when at play, and always felt secure in my speed and ability to get away if found. Sometimes I'd hide in obvious spots, positioned with the best escape routes. Options of returning to base were always preferred. But I digress.

Τετάρτη, Σεπτεμβρίου 14, 2005

Tender Generation

One disturbing thought before I retire for this moonless eve. I fear that the future American generations shall grow to men without oldman strength. The strength of grip and hardened body that is unmatched by younglings. Strength that is forged in the fire of hard living and hands-on work. Live and let live, ha, we shall see who is let to live indeed.

Howls the Wolfman,

Δευτέρα, Σεπτεμβρίου 12, 2005

What is to come?

I, myself, am currently working on a new dissertation concerning the remnants of lost "warrior-ness". The glorious piece shall be entitled, "The Vestiges of a True Warrior" detailing my everyday life as a superior, individual entity.

The following are listed segments from my dissertation:

"Some have argued that mentality is conscienceness, which is our state of being. Those fools could not be more wrong..."

"Let me now switch gears and discuss the mysteries of the universe..."

"Perhaps I should start by answering the following question, "Who am I?" This is absurd, monkey talk..."

"On my last days, before death, I would expect a massive gathering of condolence based on my contribution to the world..."

"It was once said that the world had never before given birth to the likes of such ravenoustic, ultra babe with abundance in fruitility yet seemingly character flaws..."

"In concordance with..."

"I was never afraid. Never willing to accept the notion that fear really does exist, for how could one waste such precious moments of life..."